Three Types of Windshield Glass
The windshield is an important safety feature needed on every car. It is made to safeguard the driver along with the passengers from debris, dirt, and dust that might harm them. A quality glass should be shatterproof to protect the driver and passenger from severely broken pieces of the glass. Therefore, make sure to choose the best glass that will not only fit to your car but will also protect you from any accident that may occur. The following will help you know the different options available.
The Aftermarket Windshield Glass.
This kind of car glass is similar to aftermarket vehicle electronics and accessories. Even though the aftermarket glass is not manufactured by your car’s original manufacturer, the glass is usually built of a great standard. The aftermarket glass shares similar specifications as those of dealer or the original equipment manufacturer glass. But, the glass is presumed as being the original equipment equivalent. Unlike the other two types of glass, this one is a bit cheaper.
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Glass.
The OEM glass originates directly from car’s manufacturer. It means it is tested precisely for your car’s performance and safety. The OEM glass is only similar to the one installed in your car. You can replace the broken windshield with OEM glass or any other type. It will not make any difference when you use a different brand to replace an OEM glass.
The Dealer Glass.
This kind of car glass originates from a manufacturer the same as the OEM glass. The only difference is that a dealer glass is marketed as well as sold under the glass installers or an auto repair’s brand. It means that you can only buy a dealer glass from the car dealer that the manufacturer has authorized to service your car.
If you are still confused about the glass you are going to install in your car, you can ask help from Angel Auto Glass. We are one of the reliable auto glass shops in Carrollton, TX. We can provide you the best glass that will fit your car. Also, we can for the installation process to secure your safety. If you need us, feel free to call us at (972) 801-8100.